Core of Day for Descendants Intentions & Altars
How Simple Awareness Might Help Change Everything
With Day for Descendants Intentions and Altars, we hope to provide a link between—
- Knowledge that climate change and other environmental threats are worsening and already generating tremendous cost and suffering >>>
>>> Needs to better connect with >>>
- >>> Our daily actions and choices that affect these threats, and that can with good choices improve circumstances.
We see this as a broken link, detached by our conditioning that natural resources are infinite, and by the societal and technological influences that shape our ingrained habits in ways that now diverge from what is needed now.
There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and money sharing information about ESG related challenges to global societies. Yet, unless all of this investment and knowledge is connected with our daily actions, it will be ineffective.
Day for Descendants’ intent is simple–to use art and altars, including portable altars, to bring awareness of how our choices affect quality of life for us now, and for people in the future. The goal is to be perpetually aware of future denizens as part of our choices, perhaps like we are today of family, friends, and others directly affecting our lives and happiness.
Moreover, Day for Descendants suggests that there is a direct relationship between the quality of life for future generations and our quality of life today–improving the future also improves our circumstances today, physically and spiritually. Each of us may have a different relationship with descendants and the future, but we have such a relationship – at the very least our legacies.
Inaction is a form of action.
Lately I’ve been wondering ‘why do I believe what we believe?’ What experiences got me here?